Monday, August 30, 2010

Football and Fantasy Football Channels

Expanded the Football channels, especially the Fantasy Football channel. Although I am not all that much of fan to where I have to draft and manage a fantasy team, my wife is and she has had a FF team for over 10 seasons now - and I get to watch her agonize each weekend about which players to play and then later explain to me why she shoulda coulda picked someone else :-)

So, you'd think she would have a list of sites she goes to, that she could clue me in on the best ones for the Fantasy Football channel, right? Wrong. She is like everyone else, and doesn't have the time and energy to track down all the good sites... she just wants the stats and injury prognosis and whatever facts ... that it's "my job" to make "her job" easier.

Well, she liked the channel before [no, not just because she has to, she'll let me know - make no mistake - if she doesn't like something. We have been married THAT long], so I guess she will like it a LOT more now. Well, we'll see I guess :-)

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